
What does this dream mean? plzzz!?

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I dreamed that there were lions running towards some horses and when they were near enough, they divour the horses...

is it something that I should worry about?




  1. t doesnt mean anything unless you've devoured a horse before.

  2. stop watching discovery channel at night!!

  3. well, it could have many reasons...just depending on your life and whats going on in it...but it could possible mean that you are about to witness something bad happen, not necessarily death or anything but usually things like that are a sort of bad omen....or it could possible be a subconscious part of your mind saying that things are definitely going wrong in the world or something personal in your life......(just a thought)...too, if the horses were black it could possible mean that the lions were some sort of protector....but, yeah

  4. Sounds like you have something in your life that is causing anxiety.  Like something you are afraid that will happen, represented by the lions.  Just guessing.

  5. Not unless you own horses!

  6. Do you remember the color of the horses?

  7. We are, of course, still in the astrological time of Leo, the lion.  Horses are symbolic of power.  There is soon to be a power play on the political scene, in the time of scorpio, and I feel that you are picking up on this.  You may even have some fear of this.  To me, the Lions are also symbolic of the older, male order devouring the horses, which would be more rebellious, free energy, like the Democrats.

    Remember this interpretation.  I am a liberal, but I feel that John McCain will win the election.

  8. maybe you should be careful? or something unexpected?

  9. Only if your lions are missing.

  10. omg wow

    i used to have dreams about something like this but you need to be careful

    has anyone been mean to you or rude or to someone you know?

    if not theres nothing to worry about.

    but if yes stay away and avoid that person at all costs

  11. i would say it means you need to be tuffer, and stick upfor you and your friends in the neer future

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