
What does this fortune cookie mean?

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It says:

"In order to have great friends, you must first learn to be a great friend."

What does that mean exactly?




  1. It means you have to be nicer to people, you have a bad personality or arent friendly.

  2. do unto others as you would do yourself...if your nice to people then theyll be nice to you..of course that dont always happen..some people  are just  wicked just pray for them

  3. its the same as 'treat others how you would like to be treated'

  4. it just means that treat others the way u want to be treated. it also means that u have to be a good friend to others to have them be good friends in return

  5. I am reminded of the Greek philosopher Epicurus, who thought that what was more important than what you eat, where, or when, was who you will eat with.

    But I think it means, For the world to be filled with only good people, YOU must become a good person first.

  6. Well, it means to be friendly to others, like how you would be want to be treated. Like, the humming bird and the flower, if the flower had thorns, no honey or something like that would be sucked from the flower...

  7. it means u have 2 b friendly 2 have friends. but its not like youre not friendly. its just a fortune cookie anyways

  8. It means exactly what it says. But, I'm not saying you're mean or anything of that kind. Best believe me on this. In order to get those great friends, you must present that GREAT attitude towards others  and people with great attitudes can easily receive great friends.

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