
What does this girl want?

by Guest33317  |  earlier

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I think I need to tell my friend what's going on. But I don't want to lose his friendship if he gets weird over it. Is it better if I just tell her to cool it?

The gory details:

I have a good friend, Jason. We have been friends since school and for years now, and our friendship has lasted through good times and bad. Jason has a girlfriend, and they have been together for 6 months now.

She has started taking what is probably best described as an unhealthy interest in me lately. Twice this week, she came over at breakfast time, just after I got up. There was a knock at the door, and there she was, wanting to come in 'to talk.' She 'conveniently' turned up at the post office near to my house on last Monday, right at the same time I was there. This was weird, as she lives about 25 minutes away from this post office- and there is one right down the block from where she lives. When she 'bumped into me' she seemed pleased and wanted to know what my plans for the day were. She hinted that she hadn't had lunch yet. I needed to head into college anyway, and couldn't really stop, so that kind of quashed the matter.

But yesterday, my friend and his girlfriend came over to my apartment. We sat in my living room, and chatted away, but she spent a lot of time looking at me. When he left us together trustfully and went out to the car to get his cell, that's when she moved closer to me and very suddenly attempted to kiss me. I don't mind bold girls, but that's ridiculous, considering she's supposed to be in a relationship with my best friend. I moved away and asked, "What are you doing? He's coming back any second." This didn't seem to bother her at all, and she tried to kiss me again.

May I have any advice, please. What is she doing? Is she just using me for kicks? Dis she perhaps want to be caught 'in the act' to test out Jason's response? She doesn't strike me as the insecure kind. I don't know what to make of it. My mind is all over the place on this matter. Something seems to be severely not right about it.




  1. if u are a good friend u have to let him know that the gurl he chose is not the right one ok? and besides these kind of gurls are bunch of ACCUSERS ..they accuse u if they don't get what they want...

  2. You do need to tell your friend whats going on.

    Shes completely cheating on Jason by going after you. Your a good trustworthy friend. You need to tell Jason whats up about his girlfriend. Shes probably doing this to other guys too. Your friend deserves to know the truth, but be careful with your words because he may take it as that you just want them to break up. Just calmly tell him that you respect him as a friend and feel he has a right to know whats going on with his girlfriend. That you would never try to date her or come on to her but she has been hitting on you lately and think he should know.

  3. Mitchell you are a very thoughtful young man.  You should tell Jason the antics his girlfriend got up to as soon as possible.  

    The friendship you have with Jason your best friend has to be based on honesty. openness and trust.  Friends do not upset their friends knowingly.  You know Jason better than anyone else who answers this question and so you will know how to inform him and what to say

    In a sense her motives for coming on to you are irrelevant.  What IS relevant is the fact that if Jason found out and you reciprocated you would give grounds for Jason not to trust you.  Don't lose a friend.

    My advice therefore is to tell Jason.  It's then up to him to decide what he wants to do about his girl friend.

    Good luck.

  4. Maybe she is using your friend in order to get to you.  You definitely need to tell your friend.  If you were dating a girl that was hitting on him, wouldn't you want to know about it?  If you don't tell him and he finds out, he'll probably be furious.  If he gets mad anyway, give him a little time.  If you two are tight, chances are he'll come around and thank you.

  5. Tell your friend what's been happening. He may get upset, but he needs to know the truth. If you keep it from him and she gets mad at you for not reciprocating her advances, she has the potential to ruin your friendship with Jason. She can make you look like the bad guy. She clearly doesn't have any morals or respect for her boyfriend, so she isn't likely to do anything to protect you from blame... Don't let her in next time...

  6. Your mate needs to know whats going on!

    She wants you...and that's not fair on your mate.

    Tell your mate what she's been it in the nicest possible way though!  

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