
What does this guy really want from this just a game to him?

by  |  earlier

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ok im writing this on behalf of my friend, she needs some advice and i dint have the answer

she was in a relationship with this guy for 2 years, he was madly in love with her and i mean BIG TIME he even moved citys to be with her, then due to one thing or another they eventually ended the relationship, they didnt see each other for 5 months and one night bumped into each other and they realised that they still loved each other prob was he had already made the necessary arrangement to move back to the city he had moved from, this caused tension and they bickered all the time but meither of them could stop all contact, he moved and still called her all the time, but to let you understand this guy is quite a controlling person and gets jelous easy so sometimes when he called he would insult her then apologise next day saying he didnt mean it and its just because he missed her.

he called her last week saying he was coming to visit his parents that live in the same city as my friend and also to look for a flat as he has decided to move back again and would she please meet up with him...he hasnt contacted her since except one text to say he's not interested now...shes had a million of these not interested texts that turn out to be cos its easier to be nasty than to admit his feelings...she just doesnt understand why suddenly nothing when he was so keen last week to see her...any of you out there have a clue what might be going on in his head?!

im stumped!!




  1. I would wager he's chasing after other girls, and only becomes interested in her when there's no one else. I get you seem to be trying really hard to justify his actions, but the fact is it isn't love if someone messes around this much.

    Maybe he really liked her to begin with, but realised it wasn't going to work when he moved down here and changed his mind. People can grow less fond of people over time you know.

  2. It doesn't matter what's going on in his head. He is a jerk. Your friend needs to extricate herself from this waste-of-time relationship and stop analyzing his actions. Just get away from him.

  3. whats his name?

    cos this sounds really familiar!

    message me!

  4. she needs a bf that isn't full of it

    and respects her

  5. He is a waste of time and space but till she realizes that she deserves better she will put up with his nonsense. You are aiding and abetting the situation. Find something more productive and useful and fulfilling for the 2 of you to do and tell her life is too short to discuss him further.

  6. sounds like he is full of sh#%t!!!!

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