I found a website on the information for my father's passing (he was a big part of my life, so there is no mystery as to who he was, where he is buried and date, etc.) but I am a little confused as to what the information means.
SURNAME: <his last name> FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME: <those are only common sense> BIRTH: DEATH: <the dates of when he lived>, but what I DON'T UNDERSTAND are the BURIAL: BLOCK: SP: M: FUNERAL HOME: <I know that this is the funeral home that provided his services> COMMENT:
What are the BURIAL, BLOCK, SP, M and Comment and why are they important? Can anyone who is doing a family tree project contact a funeral home and gain access to someone's records? Are these records something that are fee-based through the funeral home?
Any help you could give would be appreciated.