
What does this look like?? Pictures Included?

by  |  earlier

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Spot on my leg...changes shape and color. the first pic is what it looked like 2 weeks ago. The second pic is what it looks like today.

--colors range from red, purple, black. Has crusted over once and fell off but just came back the other day.




  1. You really, really need to go to a doctor ASAP. Like, tomorrow. Things that change shape and color can be serious, and only a doctor can tell you whether it's serious or not. If it's melanoma, you can only be ok if you catch it quickly, so PLEASE go to the doctor!

  2. I agree with Sadie. Things that change shape and color could potentially be serious and should be checked out ASAP.

  3. Go to the doctor now.

    If you haven't had a check up for this you seriously need to very soon.

    Its always better to be safe then sorry, even if it is just a mole but you never know it could be serious and if you've left it for 2 years already you don't want to leave it for another year.

  4. a mole that changes colors or shapes or gets red .... is usually not a good sign, do NOT scratch it, dont put anything on it, just hurry to the doc and have it checked out.  

  5. looks like a boil!

    go to the doctor asap! =O

  6. I think this is wart. Wart(caused by Papilloma Virus).  Don't worry thats not that serious. Just visit a Dermatologist and perhaps the best treatment of warts may be Laser therapy or Cryotherapy.

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