
What does this make me?

by  |  earlier

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Hi! I haven't eaten pigs for 5 years, since when I ws young and living in Chicago I had a sad experience on a field trip with pigs. Anyway, what kind of label would that make me? I know it is not vegetarian, but what would it be?




  1. Hindu...jk. There isn't a technical term that I'm aware of. I've had a bad experience with spinach, but doesn't classify me as something. Just stick with your beliefs and leave it at that.

  2. Well, you're like my sis, she eats fish, chicken etc. but she doesn't eat pig, or lambb

  3. nothing in particular, you just don't eat pork

  4. u don,t eat pigs

  5. I don't think you get a special name sorry. I think you would just say I don't eat pork.

  6. A "thoughtful" eater... I suppose. You didn't state whether or not you still consume poultry, beef or I really couldn't say. You could say "semi-vegetarian" I guess...

  7. idk you need to check on net

  8. Hoglophobic

  9. Nothing; you just don't eat pork.  You could tell people you were kosher if you don't want to go into an explanation :)

    I'll make up a word: porcineiterian.

  10. A meat-eater.

  11. Ah, I believe that you are speaking of the various "labels" for vegetarians... (es. ovo-lacto, lacto, so on...).

    Unfortunately, your practice of not ingesting pork does not have a significant name to it, but what your doing is significant to the world and yourself. Keep it up!

  12. i don't eat any sort of pig product either..  i don't think that makes you anything. I think people of the Jewish faith don't eat pork.....

  13. In good company. Christians do not eat pork is forbidden in the Bible.

  14. Antiswiner





  15. Your consciousness was raised apparently. You're a "nonporkgeterian" or an "everythingbutpiggeterian", whichever is easier for you to say.

  16. Non pig eater.. or no pork eater.

    That doesn't make you a vegetarian.

    You could become Jewish if you like.

  17. a non-pork eater

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