
What does this mean? Help with my paragraph please????

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I have ot end the essay with " a concluding paragraph, assessing the effectiveness og Orwell's story as a tool to reflect the human condition"

WHAT does that mean!??!?!??





  1. Well, first off I'm guessing you're talking about Animal Farm or maybe 1984.  In this context, the concluding paragraph needs to show how the characters in the story, and the story itself, mirrors true life.  For example the overtones of socialism in Animal Farm - do they truly reflect how society is affected by socialism.

    The question is basically asking you to show in your concluding paragraph if the circumstances in the novel truly reflect the way society and humans actually operate.

    If, after researching the book (and this is hard for me to comment on as you haven't said specifically which book you are referring to) you feel the novel truly reflects the way things are in real life, then you could conclude by saying that the novel has indeed given you "insight" into the reality of life; if you believe the novel has ineffectively dealt with the realities of human existence, then you could conclude that the novel was not successful in conveying its comparison to true human conditions.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I think it's asking you to conclude your essay by writing about whether Orwell's story is effective as a way to examine the human condition as a whole, not just with the characters in the book.

    Good luck!

  3. It means you should learn how to spell to* and of*.....

  4. I have not read orwell's story but  I am assuming thatt the story, deals with the human condition, meaning how the characters in the story deal with the situations they are placed in. Does human nature play a part in the decisions they make. that sort of stuff. I think they mean that the story itself is a tool, used to discuss the human condition, your job is to let us know if the story has done its job well or not.

    so you could write something like. In conclusion Orwell's story shows us the natrual tendensies of humans when that are placed in moral situations. It effectively disects the human condition and breaks it down to it's simpliest form......

    Like I said Ive never read it so I hope that helps you a little

  5. Google Human Condition the resulting web sites will give an idea of what to write about.

  6. A paragraph that explains whether or not Orwell did a good job of relating the story to the grander issue of humans in general, not just the characters within the story...

    Hope that helps.

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