
What does this mean? Human nature?

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What does this mean when someone asks you

"what is your view on human nature"?

can you answer it so i have an exemple




  1. It is a perfect example of an oxymoron.

  2. Human


    What Is It?



    What Is It?

    By Stephen Flurry

    In this morally depraved society, many are now

    saying there is no evil in the heart of man. Others

    say man was born with an evil nature. Both of

    these assumptions are wrong. What is human

    nature? And where did it come from?

    This booklet is not to be sold.

    It is a free educational service in

    the public interest, published by

    the Philadelphia Church of God.

    © 1998, 1999, 2005 Philadelphia Church of God

    All Rights Reserved

    Printed in the United States of America

    Scriptures in this publication are quoted from the

    King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

    The human mind: What a wonder! It can produce

    the most sophisticated computer technology imaginable.

    We have sent men to walk on the surface of the

    moon—a robot to crawl on the surface of Mars, photographing

    the terrain for us to examine. Yet the same minds which produce

    such marvels of science and technology cannot solve

    human evils, like war, violence, crime, immorality, dishonesty

    and deceit. The awesome mind of man has not brought

    about lasting peace. Indeed, the mind of man, contrary to

    what some modern scholars might think, has produced an

    abundance of evil, heartache and bloodshed. The question is,

    why? How can a mind that produces such incredible technology

    utterly fail when it comes to solving world problems? The

    answer: human nature. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart [of

    man] is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:

    who can know it?” All of the evils plaguing society today can

    be blamed on the deceitful, wicked human nature in man.

    But that statement raises many vital questions: What is

    human nature? Where did it come from? Did God create it in

    man? God reveals the answers to these questions in the Bible.

    But there is not one simple verse that gives all the answers.

    We find the answer revealed “here a little, and there a little”

    (Isaiah 28:10). We must begin at the very beginning.

    Whe r e Did Sata n’ s Ev i l Natur e

    Come From?

    In Ephesians 3:9 we find that it was God “who created all

    things by Jesus Christ.” God creates. And there is always a

    great purpose behind anything God creates. He doesn’t create

    H uma n Nat u r e : What I s I t ?

    in confusion or disarray, because “God is not the author of

    confusion” (1 Corinthians 14:33). But, you may reason, didn’t

    God create the archangel Lucifer, who became Satan the devil?

    How did Satan get to be the way he is if God is the one who

    created him? Where did his evil nature come from?

    Notice Ezekiel 28:14-15: “Thou [Lucifer] art the anointed

    cherub that covereth; and I [God] have set thee so: thou wast

    upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down

    in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy

    ways from the day that thou wast created ….” Two things to

    notice: Lucifer was created by God, and he was created perfect.

    Lucifer had great knowledge, understanding and wisdom. He

    was the greatest being God could create by fiat. The rest of

    verse 15 continues, “till iniquity [or lawlessness]

    was found

    in thee.” So this great being—the greatest being God could

    possibly create by fiat—who was taught at the very throne of

    God, sinned and rebelled against God. How could that

    have happened? God certainly didn’t create an evil devil. He

    created a perfect,

    beautiful archangel—Lucifer.

    Isaiah asked the same question. “How art thou fallen

    from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou

    cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”

    (Isaiah 14:12). God revealed the answer in the next two verses:

    “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,

    I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also

    upon the mount of the congregation,

    in the sides of the north:

    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like

    the most High” (verses 13-14). Lucifer allowed his beauty to

    fill him with vanity. It wasn’t enough that God had placed him

    on the throne of this Earth to administer the government of

    God. He looked on what God had with envy—for God ruled

    the entire universe. Lucifer thought he could eventually

    ascend up into the heavens and forcefully remove God from

    His throne! And so we see how Lucifer acquired this evil, sinful

    nature. He acquired it through false reasoning, which

    led to rebellion.

    He falsely reasoned that he was just as good,

    if not better, than the God who created him.

    Ezekiel 28:17 says, “Thine heart was lifted up because of

    thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of

    thy brightness ….” This perfect, beautiful being, who was full

    Hu ma n N a t u r e : Wh a t I s I t ?

    of great wisdom and knowledge, became

    corrupted because

    of false reasoning. He allowed the wisdom and knowledge

    God had given him to fill him with vanity. He then worked to

    deceive those angels he ruled over on this Earth. He led one

    third of the angels into rebellion against God and  

  3. human attitude, human behaviour, mentality.

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