
What does this mean about my 1 year old son???

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I have a 3 year old daughter but I just got back into her life so I never was around her when she was around my son's age(different moms). Well anyways, he just turned one. My boy loves to push buttons. He'll turn the TV off and on and off and on and off and on while we are watching it. Ever since he was about 9 months old, all his toys he found hidden buttons that we never knew was on there. Now he turns my 360 off, my PS3 off, he knows how to put DVDs into the tray types and the kinds you just slide in. Is this normal for his age??? Now also he likes to kick both of us and laughs while he does it. He picks up the phone and his pootie and almost everything and launches it far. He likes to hit me and laugh. Is this normal??? And if anyone asks, NO, I am not a mean parent, and I don't hit my kids or my wife...




  1. possessed...    lol

  2. Its completely normal.  Monkey see, monkey do.  Ive got a one year old who doesnt miss a thing.  Showing her something once is all it takes.  And as far as the hitting, she's been known to whack me in the face a time or two throughout the day.  Its just a phase, but teach him its WRONG now.  Firmly tell him no when he kicks ya (clearly by his giggles he knows he's being mischeivious) and redirect his attention to something else.  Good luck with your smarty!

  3. This is normal, you don't have to teach children to hit they are born with the things to do wrong, we have to teach them not to do these things. You need to start telling him no and make sure you discipline him when he hits or when you tell him no and he doesn't listen. Pushing buttons is also a part of exploring, once again tell him no and discipline him each and every time he doesn't listen. He understands the word no and don't touch at one and you need to keep telling him each time he tries. The hitting and throwing is his way of trying to get his way, and if you allow him to get away from it then he has gotten his way, just use discipline.

  4. I don't think that's normal. My three year old never touches plays with the remote or phone or cellphone. He did once, and we were very adamant telling him, No!. He hit his cousin once, and again we had the same reaction. At both times, he never repeated. NO, we didn't hit him, we were just very serious, then we tell him we love him so much. Goodluck to you.

  5. he sounds like a typical kid! he will eventually grow out of this, i wouldnt worry about it at all. i am a mother of a 1 1/2 yr old and she shocks me all of the time with new things she does. she also loves buttons and sometimes hits. she knows she gets a reaction out of us so she does it for the amusement. just correct him every time he does it and make sure you tell him why its wrong to hit or be mean to others. just trust your parental instinct and do what you think is best. good luck and i hope he grows into a beautiful, happy, healthy child! good luck!

  6. well my 16 month old doesnt hit but he's been interested in buttons ever since he could put his little fingers on them. he turns dadddy's 360 and ps3 off too. he has never really hit thouhg. sometimes if someone is in his way he'll push them out of his way though, he jsut doesnt understand manners yet

  7. LOL, not to worry.  It sounds like your son is very curious. My son slaps me around all the time and thinks it's quite funny too.  He's just a baby and he's experimenting with everything he can get his hands on.  At the same time, is he around other children, like in a daycare or other setting where he may see them hitting or kicking?  Other than that, I think he's just being a 1 year old.  

  8. The turning buttons on and off is completely normal.  My one year old did the same thing, and my older two also did.  The hitting an kicking are also normal but they can't be allowed.  All three of my children went through that stage but you have to let him no it is not funny and it cant be tolerated.  My 1 year old is going through the biting stage now, and I put her in time out (which she hates).  So maybe try time out, some other kind of punishment that will help him learn that it's not nice.

  9. Yes this is normal for their age. Your reaction to what he is doing will determine if it is ok to do it. For instance when he hits you if you laugh because you think it is funny then he will keep doing it. You need to talk to him in a stern voice and he will listen. Especially if you don't talk to him in a stern voice often.

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