
What does this mean and what should I do about it?

by  |  earlier

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Okay. My two adopted cousins came down here sometime in June of this year and there were supposed to stay down here until july or august. And sometimes they stay at my house whenever my daddy doesn't have to go to work. One of my adopted cousins, he is a fourteen year old and he is taller, muscular, and stronger than me, at first I didn't know that he was like this, i was walking around in the kitchen and then my grabbed me and picked me up and threw me in the livingroom on the air bed and took my shirt and bra off and felt my breast and then after a while he sucked it. And at first I laughed it off because I thought it was funny. Then after a while when he continued to come over my house and he did the same thing I started to get really annoyed. Then one night, after I had recorded a show from my tv, he came in my room and demanded me to show him my breast and I told him no and he kept asking and asking and I kept telling him no. So I went in the kitchen and drunk some water and went in the livingroom and told my other little cousin that I was getting ready to go to bed and then the fourteen year old grabbed me and pinned me to the bed and took my shirt off and sucked my breast again. I got scared and I tried to get away but he threw me back on the airbed and continued doing it. His little brother told him to stop but he told his little brother to shut up and he kept doing it and after a while he let me go and I ran in my room and got in my bed. And it will be times when at 4 or 3 in the morning when everyone is asleep he would come in my room and slide under my cover and lay on top of me and do the same thing he did while I was in the airbed and then try to get me to have s*x but I didn't let him get to far and I'm glad I didn't because if I did let him do it he probably would have raped me the next time. Then the next day after they leave my house I regret what I did and wish that he would have had s*x with me and sucked my breast but when gets over there I get scared again. And then it gets to the point when I don't eat like I usually eat or anything. Then the last day that they were at my house he tried to have s*x with me again and I didn't want to do it and laid on top of me and I tried to get him off but he didn't even budge. He was too strong. And then he found out that I was wet and he fingered me but I stopped him because it hurt and I felt uncomfortable. I am a virgin and I don't want to lose my virginity to my own cousin or get it forced out of me. What should I do about this. Please help. He is coming back next summer and I'm afraid he might try to do the same thing again.

Now it is august and he is back in his home town and I am starting to have dreams about him. At first he just appears in the dream and disappears but one night I don't think I was even thinking about him and he snuck in my room and had s*x with me and I was letting him do it too. But in real life I don't want that to happen because I want to wait until marriage. What does this mean and what should I do about this just in case he comes back. Some of you may have read this before but this is kind of worrying me.




  1. assuming your for real and not a deviate looking for some kinda rise...coz this story i think almost shouldnt be told let alone read by me let alone a some of the peeps on this planet etc etc here goes nothing.

    what he has done already is rape ..not technicaly not kinda sorta but exactly rape...sexual assault.

    sexually your "ripe" so's to speak  meaning your hot to horny

    and not sure of your age etc and not sure to what degree if any virginity and age affects all this anyways but in this horny state its not surprising that you felt as you did and do regarding the fantasies of getting laid, and as this idiot cousin of your has actually touched you etc its little wonder he would be the object of such fantasies etc , victims of rape often feel guilty because their attacker made them feel horny during the rape.

    But trust your instincts find someone else to lay with, i dont neccessarily agree with you on waiting untill marriage , i mean what if you marry some guy/gal that just sux at it...and believe me its a personal taste gals/guys dream f@@k can be another girls/guys nightmare.

    This may sound funny even shallow but it really matters how "good" your s*x life is its probably the most important aspect of a successful marriage even more then common spirituality etc erm in my opinion anyways so your day to day s*x life matters more then just anything so having said that  "your first time" matters even more...more likely then not your not going to enjoy it. no-one does really yeah this that and the other about it hopefully if its good and a nightmare if it isnt that can thwort your sexual experience for life..having said that again imo i reckon might as well get the h**l out there sexually get it , the imaginary hurdle event of your first f..k over with, but again only with those YOU feel inside of YOUR heart feeling etc that YOU want to really lay with yada yada , the quicker you get out there the quicker you will learn what it is YOU do and dont like and what YOU want and dont from/in YOUR sexual life.  haha and yes theres alot of the word YOU and YOURS in what ive said coz this **** is exactly that.

    hope that helps and make some kinda sense to you

  2. I think that you should tell your parents. Please because it just may lead to rape. If he tries to do it again just try to tell him to stop and if he refuses then tell your  parents. Because that is serious.

  3. Tell your daddy.. and keep the doors locked.

    BTW.. your profile looks as though you're a man.. sicko..

  4. Tell your dad because thats kinda illegal and you might want to lock your door next time.

  5. What your so called cousin is doing is sexually abusing you, and you should tell your parents, you have witnesses of  it.

    The reason you got wet is because is normal to a point to get aroused when someone touches your erogenous zones, but that not necessarily means that you want to have s*x with him.

    Remember what they say in elementary school: if when somebody touches you makes you feel bad or uncomfortable, then is not good.

    Today he sucks on your b*****s, next summer he might be able to penetrate you.

    Tell your parents, and put a lock on your door.

  6. Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline, at toll-free 1.800.656.HOPE  It's confidential, and you can talk things out with someone who is an expert on this. They can help you find the courage to tell your parents, help you talk about what your dreams mean, and help you realize IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.

    What he has done is criminal, and you need to look to experts for advice, not random strangers.  

  7. my friend had this happen to her. so i am going to tell you what i told her next time he comes and trys to do that to you yell and run also tell your dad or even your cousins parents or any adult should listen because what he is doing to you is rape and this could emotionally and mental hurt you not only he could also physically hurt you. just speak up and tell him to stop and tell your dad its the most you can do.

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