
What does this mean in my dream?

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I have had atleast 4 dreams where i kiss someone and the kiss seems hollow..

kinda like a french kiss without tongue.. opening our lips but thats it and you can feel air in there and everything >.<

do you get what i mean?

anyone know what that means??




  1. it means you wont find true love for awhile

  2. hello dani.

    my english it is not good but  i try to splainded o.k.

    kiss.-means if you kiss someone as a diferent s*x means soon you be met someone make you so happy.......

    If you dream a extrenger means you don&#039;t need to trust any body  i mean as a confidence on others...............

    well i hope you understand my writing because i am a spanish girl (Mexican) i am spoke spanish.

    have a good luck...............


  3. maybe u have never really kissed, and cant imagine what it would really feel like, so of course u cant feel it in ur dream....or, the kisses where nothing, not important, , ........hollow, just like u said

  4. well when you kiss in your dream, your kissing something thats with you in your bed in real life, like your pillow. You might be kissing cute guy in your dream, but sadly it only your pillow in real life.

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