
What does this mean on my highschool schedule?

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A1-World Regions-1

A2-Language Arts-1

A3-Phsyic Apps in Comm-3

A4-Algebra |-2





I just dont't understand what "A1" and "B2" means. What does it stand for? And does that mean I have Algebra 2? Because I barely passed PRE algebra last year and plus my friend has algebra ONE on the exact same period and the same teacher. so why would he have algebra one and me algebra two at the exact same time? im sure the teacher wouldn't teach two different subjects..

please help =/ i asked a girl over myspace and she ignored me D:




  1. It looks like to me your school has an alternating block schedule, of four periods per day, alternating A days with B days.  It also looks like you need to get with your school counselor to schedule your B days.  It's possible, though, that A is the first semester and B is the second semester.  Either way, you apparently only have four classes per day.

    I don't think algebra would be algebra 2 if you barely passed prealg last year.  Must mean something else -- "section 2" possibly?  Like there are two sections of Algebra 1 being taught at the same time in different rooms, and some other teacher is teaching section 1 and you're in section 2?  That seems reasonable, and if that's so, then you must be in section 1 of World Regions and Language Arts, and section 3 of whatever that other thing is.  It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

    Looks like you'd better get your B stuff scheduled, though.  

  2. it could be semester 1 (A) and semester (2) and yes alg 1-2 could be the same classroom the alg 2 kids could be there finishing alg 1 or to see if they are ready for alg 2

  3. either u might not of passed and u got ur classes dropped

    or u havent checked with ur counsler on ur next semester classes

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