
What does this mean?! please help pleasee?

by  |  earlier

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i need to cancel a holiday. i looked onto their terms and conditions and it said this. sorry im only 12 and im not personally cancelling the holiday but please tell me what this means! does it mean i dont get a refund?

cancellation fee: 100% + insurance premium

thanks xxxxx




  1. Call them up , and perhaps, they may work with you, with little penalty

  2. I'd be choosing your coffin!

    Yes it means you lose everything. Do you not have insurance that might cover you for having to cancel?

    Even though that is in the terms, you can often get a credit note if you are cancelling soon enough to allow them to resell the package.

    Best of luck.

  3. "cancellation fee 100%" means that the fee you have to pay for cancelling is 100 percent of the price -- in other words, you get NONE of your money back.

    It sounds like you're even going to have to pay extra for cancelling. That's the only thing I can figure that "insurance premium" means.

  4. Your mum is going to kill you a lot as it means you'll get nothing back. 100% of the fee means they keep 100% of the fee. They also keep the insurance premium which basically means you get zilch back.

    However, it's usually only the case that you get nothing if you're cancelling within about 7-14 days of going. You usually get something back if you are cancelling well in advance - say 50-75%. I would look at the T&Cs a little closer and discuss it with your mum who will understand it better than you.

  5. My question is how were you able to do this? surely you need to be either 16 or 18, if that's the case they should never have taken your money. You need an adult to help you sort this out, have you anyone? if not at home maybe at school?

    Who is cancelling the holiday?

    Is this a school trip you no longer want to go on? maybe that's it in which case th school will refund if you explain properly. If this isn't the case i am seriously a bit miffed.

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