
What does this mean???

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i was reading this book and there was this saying and it read "don't kiss the messenger" i just wanted to know what it meant.




  1. I think it was a play on words for

    "don't kill the messenger."

    which means like, hmm, how bout and example:

    Your boy/girlfriends friend comes up to you to tell you that your boy/girlfriend wants to break up with you. Don't get mad at the friendm get mad at the guy that told the friend to tell you. Don't kill the mesenger. Maybe if you LIKED the friend that was tellin gyou this but he had a GF or BF then you might say "Don't kiss the messenger" as a joke with a Pun intended.

  2. in Greek mythology they "killed" the messenger. i suppose this is a play on words

  3. It was the custom in Ancient Greece and later in Rome to employ messengers to carry the news throughout the city/state/empire. This news was not always to the liking of the recipients but the laws decreed that these messengers where to pass unharmed from place to place and city to city to deliver whatever message they were commanded to spread amongst the population.

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