
What does this mean.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay So there's this boy chris i have liked him for ever we go out he dumps me and it happened like ten times but over the years he's changed and we have just been good friend but still flirty. Well my boyfriend was over chris's house and they were messing around like we are going to send you a nude, come to find out it was chris who sent it not my boyfreind. what does it mean?!?!?!?!? does he finally really like me this time?




  1. whaaaaaaa

  2. It means that they are both little boys who have a fascination with there own bodies.  I think Chris needs to grow a pair and leave you alone and you need to not read anything deeper into this.  Apparently you're still stuck on this guy even after he dumped you.  Where is your self-confidence?  This guy just wants to get laid and likes the fact that he's been with you before and could be with you again.  It's just casual to him!  Don't fall for being repeatedly used with this on again off again fool.  You're worth more than this!  Move on!!!

  3. DUHH he likes you

    give him a shot.

    good luck

  4. I think he wants to prove to your boyfriend that he can have you anytime he wants!  I would stay away!!  xox

  5. I think it means you can do better. Someone who's dumped you ten times but has "changed" and does strange things and keeps you hanging isn't someone you should spend time on- or with.

  6. It means they're both morons. Move on.  
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