
What does this mean..?

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I need some help with this Taurus...

he was born on april 29th 1992

im a scorpio born on november 20 1992

i dont know, im very confused

all these mixed signals, sometimes i think he likes me back, sometimes i dont...what do you think?

are taurus most likley to lead someone on?

he stares at me, winks at me, opens the door for me...yet he hasnt even done anything!

when he opened the door for me, he just stared at the ground

schools not back till september, so i dont know...

what if he has already moved on?




  1. scorpios tend to be very hesitant to make the first move, which can be difficult if the male in the relationship is the scorpio and it's more acceptable in society for the male to be the one who makes the first move.

    I say charge like the bull you are and take charge. scorpios like strength and you should know right away if he digs you.

    good luck! :)

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