
What does this mean?..............

by Guest64093  |  earlier

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what does it mean when your urine is foggy or cloudy??




  1. It mean either your glasses need cleaning or..............water is not your preferred beverage?

  2. Drink more water.  The urine is concentrated due to lack of fluids.  This usually occurs with the first urination in the morning.  If you have pain or burning then you should see a doctor.

  3. It is with avery body, some time the urine is cloudy & some time it is clear.Nothing to worry, if you dont have any infection.

  4. You might have an infection - not necessarily through s*x. In any case get your doctor to check it - there is now a test they can do at the surgery in less than a minute.  

  5. you have too much rubbish inside you, drink more water and healthy drink s such as apple juice.


  6. dude if your urine is foggy or cloudy, and you experience pain when urination, you may have a urinary tract infection / STD.  Get it checked out if it persists... most STDs are curable, and if the infection gets serious you could be in for a rough time...  

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