
What does this mean... "No soldier outlives a thousand chances?"?

by Guest61176  |  earlier

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It's from All Quiet On The Western Front book.




  1. The more chances you have to die, the bigger the chance that you're going to die. The longer you are out there fighting, the bigger the chance you will die.

  2. Since most fighting was done in trenches and each was assigned a position.  At least, one shoot in a thousand fired at that position will hit the soldier.  Once hit, the possibilities of dieing increases due to the lack of doctors, medicine and being dirty. (There were other lacks, also)  A fix position is always dangerous.

  3. It just means sometimes a person's luck will run out.

  4. if your are a soldier in war, the longer you are out there your

    chances of staying alive become fewer with every battle

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