
What does this mean? "Notwithstanding anything contained herin to the contrary".?

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What does this phrase mean?(as used in a contract)




  1. It is a  pre-amble to a deal-breaker - something that one party or another has labeled as potentially over-riding everything else in the contract, or to clarify or disclaim some implications that might be interpreted in another way.

    For example, I give you 30 days to deliver my apples to me, but "notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary" I agree to pay for the apples only after they are found acceptable.  Otherwise, someone could claim payment is due upon delivery of the apples in 30 days.

  2. it means if somewhere else in the contract, it says something opposite to whatever is in the rest of the sentence you cut off, the part you cut off will apply.

    the only reason that a contact would have inconsistent terms is a deliberate attempt to scam you.

    likely such a contract would not be enforceable in court, but why bother?

    run screaming now, and get out before you get hosed.

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