
What does this mean??? really creepy??

by  |  earlier

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ok, so, its for my aunt, and one of her co workers died a year ago because of cancer, and i dont know why, but she was just upset that my aunt never ate what she offered her. then yesterday, she had a dream that she came back and offered her something to eat, and my aunt still didnt take it, so she was upset, and said that she will meet my aunt on the 21, or 2day. and then she was freaked out when she woke up, so then she went to work, and started asking everyone what day she died, and everyone told her 2day (the 21). does this mean anything?




  1. Freaky!

    Well, hmmn, I'm no expert on dream logic, or psychology, or anything like that [but I plan on it!]...

    It could just be her subconscious. Your aunt remembering that this was the day the co-worker died, somewhere in the back of her mind.

    I've done things like that before.

    Hope this cleared it up, at least a little? :]

  2. it probably does mean the co workers spirit is tryin to get in touch or say something to your aunt

  3. .....

  4. Food in dreams can represent spiritual sustenance...Maybe your aunt is feeling a little low over something right now & needs some spiritual sustenance to see her through it...The deceased co-worker could just be offering this...The fact that your aunt refused it in the dream could be a statement that she should either take up the offer, or alternately that she has the personal strength within herself to overcome whatever is bothering her, by herself, so she refused the offer.

  5. omg thats spooky

  6. I've heard it reported that people can come to you in dreams after their passing. A friend told me that one night she had a dream that she was at school and her grandpa came to pick her up, except when he got there he said "I just came to say goodbye and I love you" and then when she woke up, her mom told her that he had just died. So, I think it's entirely possible.  

  7. Well, I don't believe dead people's spirits come back to give us messages. I get 2 possible meanings from this. One, your aunt may be starved for attention, in which case she may be making this up on purpose, or she might really believe it. You say "lol" but I hope you're not laughing at her to her face. "Sick of dealing with living...people" may mean family problems. Maybe you should dig into this & find out what's really bothering her.The other possible meaning is something symbolic in the dream...impossible to say for sure w/o knowing your aunt, but the dream could be her subconscious telling her that she has been refusing something that somebody has been offering her, but she really needs it. If you like your aunt & you're not just making fun of her here, talk to her about it & ask her to consider if there's something she's been refusing that could maybe help her.

  8.   Nothing to be afraid of, .I doubt that the coworker would hurt your aunt in life, so she wouldn't when she was dead. The dream was prob just a premonition of the death,, tainted with a little psychological baggage (guilt?) about not eating things offered to her. Again, nothing to fear, just look at it as her stopping off to say "Goodbye"

  9. weird,

    i am not very good at this.

    still i believe in paranormal stuffs, so my answer woud probably be yes. but if u don;t want to believe it i can say that it is a sick joke played on ur aunt by someone who doesn't like her or want to frighten her away from her work. oops., sorry. it is a dream right, then my answer is that the co-worker's spirit has really come.

  10. Just a dream nothing more .

  11. It sounds like your aunt has lost her grip on reality, even if dead people could visit what makes your aunt think that a dead acquaintance would waste their valuable spirit powers visiting her of all people?

  12. Your aunt may be feeling sorry that she wasn't more friendly with this woman and now she can't be.

    Fortunately as I write this the day is half over.  She'll be less anxious when the day ends.

    I hope she feels better then.  

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