I have this guy friend, and we have been talking a lot. he insults me all the time, calling me ugly and stuff, then the next moment he says he believes in me when i feel like i can't go through with something. irecentlyy asked him to come to a party i was going to, and he nagged his parents enough that they let him come, when he got there he looked at me a lot and said my dress was nice ( it was red with a split up the side, and wellunfortunatelyy i made the split a little bigger, cuz i forgot i was in a dress and well tried to kick a ball...). and he also called me Mrs.Muscless, cuz i picked up this cooler full of ice and pop cans for the lady who made the party who needed help. he also shows off a lot, he talks how he beats up all these jerks, and acts stupid and makes up stupid words just so i start laughing. one moment he is nice , the next he is mean and teases me endlessly.
and well i kinda think of him as a player, hetalkss about getting all these girls in hhigh school and he also told me he was gonna try and make some moves on this one girl in a while.
why does he act this way with me? does he like me or does he really like picking on me just cuz?
PS: he is 14 i am 13 turing 14 in a week.