
What does this mean:despite the wealth of information ,students don't appear to be eating any healthier than

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their predecessors




  1. With all the books, documents, papers, and pamphlets on good nutrition and how to eat healthy; kids don't seem to be eating any better than the generation before them.

  2. It means that some people have no common sense. The food police would have us believe that the government should tell us what to eat. We are all responsible for taking care of ourselves and our children. The information is out there and we can all make a decision as to what we choose to do with it.

  3. Even though students have an abundant amount of information on the effects of eating fast-food and other non-healthy foods, they still choose it as their primary source of nourishment.

    For example, that movie Morgan Spurlock did on the effects of eating McDonald's. I know tons of kids that watched it, including myself, but we still eat McDonald's.

    and the reason is because it's inexpensive and fast. When a kid like me has 5 college classes, 40 hrs / week of work, and a full-time girlfriend, we dont have to time to make something to eat or wait around. Let alone have time to sleep.

  4. Have you ever eaten the school lunch served in  school cafeterias?  It is supposed to meet all these dietary guidelines but it looks inedible half the time.  A lot of food is wasted.  Kids only eat a small part of what they are served.

    By the way, this is the special education section, dealing with education of those with special needs, not really concerned with the nutritional needs of students.

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