
What does this message say?

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  1. It's a meaningless pile of Cyrillic letters. What Latin letters stand for is up to you to decide. There are no stress marks or what you might call it above the letter 3 or any other letter in Russian but I seam to have seen some in Slovenian languages, maybe in Serbian. I think it's no use trying to find meaning in this though. This Cyrillic symbols are meant to draw attention of a potential buyer who is inclined to get some merchandise with a Russian feel to it and considering the fact that nobody understands be it with or without meaning all you have to do is put some words on a T-shirt in Cyrillic print.

  2. I think it is just a pattern of what they could print on T-shirts (the sets of letters they have). This is a meaningless set of letters on that T-shirt. The abbreviations are meaningless in any South Slavic language. And there are no stress marks above the letters in Cyrillic in any South Slavic language, whereas in Latin there are a couple .

  3. I think it's just initials of some sort - like what is on our american university jackets - UofU, NYU, etc.

    The big letters are shzdya.  Doesn't mean anything.  The wlly is in english.

  4. I would go with what Alex said...I thought abbreviations, maybe.

    the large letters say SHZDYA

    Under the 7 it says

    fii  actually, the I isn't a leter in cyrillic

    Under that is tasy tzi

    yad_z  the ъ has no sound at all, and the V doesn't even exist.

    mfsk and the rest is lost under the 8.  

    I think it's just meaningless letters.  But they could be some sort of abbreviations.

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