
What does this north atlantic oceanic FIR message exactly mean?

by Guest66600  |  earlier

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  1. This is a SIGMET which is an advisory for significant meteorological conditions.  It was issued by the Kansas City weather office and applies to portions of the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center oceanic Flight Information Region.  Its name is "JULIETT 1. Subsequent SIGMETs pertaining to the same area will use the same name with increasing numbers i.e. JULIETT 2, etc.

    The SIGMET is valid on the thirteenth of the month from 0900 until 1300 coordinated universal time (UTC) for forecast severe turbulence between flight level 280 and flight level 400 (approximately 28,000 to 40,000 feet).  The turbulence can be found in an area defined by latitude longitude coordinates 45 degrees 15 minutes north - 053 degrees 45 minutes west, 43 degrees 30 minutes north - 47 degrees 15 minutes west, etc.  The entire area is moving to the southeast at 30 knots and is intensifying.  The SIGMET is base on reports from aircraft.

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