
What does this phrase mean in french "isn't it so"?

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and this one 'to be correct"




  1. A context would have helped a lot!!

    "isn't it so"?  = n'est-ce pas? n'en est-il pas ainsi?

    'to be correct" = pour être juste

    But really I can't say without a precise sentence and context

    Edit : "how is the weather?" = quel temps fait-il

  2. usually it would be either "non" or "oui", like "c'est bon oui?"

  3. Isn't it so, is another term meaning isn't this correct ? to be correct is another term for: if asked who is the president of the United States ? "to be correct" would be just to answer yes.

  4. "isn't it so" : "n'est-ce pas"

    "to be correct" : depending on the context "être correct" or the adverb "correctement".

  5. isn't it so could be translated to "n'est-ce pas" or just "non"

    to be correct "être exact"

    how is the weather is "quel temps fait-il"

  6. Another way :

    C'est pas vrai?

    Pour être exact, juste, correct. Depends on context.

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