
What does this phrase mean: just my 2 cents! i got this after a guy answered a question and put that in his ..

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  1. its like giving your opinion.

  2. It's his opinion, which is worth two cents.

    Go pay him

  3. "Put my two cents in" originates from the older "put my two bits in" and has its origin in the game of poker.  When playing poker you have to make a small bet before the cards are dealt called an "ante" to begin play in that hand.  

    This phrase draws an analogy to the poker ante (two bits) and gains your entry into the conversation.

  4. In England, it's 'two pennies worth' - it's just a gentle way of saying 'that's what I think'. It might've originally been a gambling thing, as in "I've not got much, but here it is", sort of thing.

    So the guy was just saying: "Hey, it's just my opinion!"

  5. It's an figure of speach that means "my opinion".

  6. just a saying   THAT WOT I THINK   someone asks you do you like this hair cut     you then say  I really liked it as it was longer   you thensee your answere was not what was wanted  you might then say   That was just my 2cents   no doubt we got it off yanki films of the 30s and 40s may have been a song it was a line  we also say  Bet your bottom dollar

  7. It means that it is just the dude's opinion. Of course YMMV.

  8. just putting in his 2 cents, it means hes just giving his thought on the subject.  

    heres a link if you want to read up on where the term came from.

    means making a suggestion that we may not think is worth very much, but offering it anyway

  9. "Just my opinion, for what it's worth" type of thing.

  10. It's the same as saying "just my humble opinion"

  11. It means, here is my advice but it could only be worth 2 cents meaning take the advice or don't.

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