
What does this phrase mean: ? "They were known to possess a clairvoyant rapport with the natural world"

by  |  earlier

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I know what the individual words mean, the but phrase meaning escapes me :/





  1. They were known to have an innate/extraordinary appreciation/relationship with nature.

  2. if you replace rapport with exchange i believe it to explain itself.

  3. It basically means that they have a kind of extra sense when it comes to the natural world. They know what is going on in the natural world and are sympathetic with that knowledge. They know what is going on and have respect for it.

  4. they are telepathic.

    But what is the word natural referring to?

    Nature or are they in an unnatural world, i.e. another dimension or something.

    if it means nature, i guess they are telepathic with animals, if some other world i guess it means us.

  5. I will assume that it means that they could pick up on the energy that surrounds all of us... and that they were more sensitive to it than most. If they were in nature, they would be able to sense danger, or peace, or any shift in energy. They could sense the overall health of the environment. I think this also applies to people and their moods. I am assuming any innate quality of a human that could be sensed would apply here as well .

  6. They possess an ability to communicate with the natural world that seems supernatural or unreal, almost magical.

    At least, that's how I'd translate it. :)

  7. Will you add details and tell us where you saw this? It might make a difference in the meaning. You've taken it out of context.Thanks.

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