
What does this phrase mean? the checks in the mail?

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What does this phrase mean? the checks in the mail?




  1. Means you owe or some one owes

    so they say Checks n Mail

    bur its a stall tactic

  2. It can mean a couple of things depending on the situation.

    If you compliment someone and build them up in front of other people, then he may say "the check's in the mail" to suggest that he'll pay you for saying those nice things. More of a joke use.

    Another time may be if someone has no intention of paying you back(monatarily or otherwise) for a service, an item or a favor, then he may say "the check's in the mail" to suggest that you'll be waiting a long time before you see it

  3. Either your financial compensation is slow and coming,or you stand to get "stiffed" and not paid at all because the person who owes you doesn't have sufficient funds.

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