
What does this phrase mean to you?: Oil is the excrement of the devil. ?

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What does this phrase mean to you?: Oil is the excrement of the devil. ?




  1. Never hear it put quiet that way.  Here's what it means to me though.  The devil is suppose to be the great tempter of mortal man.  He is also a great trickster, seemingly promising and giving us our wildest dreams and desires.  But always in a deal with the devil, the fine print is where he nails ya.  So oil has allowed mankind to populate, and attain riches beyond our wildest dreams....yet if mankind had read the fine print, mankind should have paid more attention to the fact that oil is a finite resource.  Eventually we will have used it all up.

    So while mankind wallowed, and gloried for a short while in the riches oil brought, it will eventually turn out to be a $h!t deal for mankind.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  2. It means s*x is wrong and dirty.  i do not agree with this.

  3. The devil has diarrhea.  

  4. Cars are evil?

  5. it means you support your local terrorist& and not your country .you whiner.  why dont you have any thing bad to say the people who are really bad..liberalism is a mental disorder.

  6. In 1975, the Venezuelan energy minister, Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso, described oil as "the devil's excrement".  

    It's the devil's excrement because it something none of us can live without and will do just about anything to get.  

    With that in mind Iraq just discovered a HUGE oil reserves of 350 billion barrels. That's more oil than Saudi Arabia.  

  7. Literally: Oil is the devils p**p.

    Probably as in, evil temptation for sin comes with big money, or something.

    Dunno where Linda got s*x mixed up with S**t.

  8. that Oil (fuel, not cooking) empowers greed and corrupts innocents. From fire in a cave, to harpooning whales,slaughtering seals and poisoning the sea and sky. Supply and demand, my friend. Oil  Business is evil, but business is good.

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