
What does this poem mean to you? Thoughts please?

by  |  earlier

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My newest work-almost done--As always would like to know what you think.


The sky breaks

the wind saunters

it murmurs your name,

echoing the forlorn.

The ravens’ raspy voices,

Omens of fate-

They grasp weeping branches,

warbling of life halted.

They couldn’t be staved.

Demons in spastic unison.

Sanctioned to dance-

The exorcism waived.

Opening their maws,

tearing through time,

as sunlight tumbles.

The clouds draw.

Coyotes yip shrilly,

in pockets of darkness,

privy to the knowledge,

of the impending harvest.

This creature feature,

far too grotesque.

Screaming sheep flaying

as you plummet eternal

Your pieces rippling

the welcoming surface




  1. First of all let me say, that was beautiful young lady. You have a very wide vocabulary, and that is good when in writing. I loved it. It was beautiul.

    Now for what it meant. It put a lot of pictures into my mind so bare with me while I go through what it meant. THe first thing I though it meant was that time is running out. All the beautiul things are fading away and that eventuatly things come to an end, but that they end a good note.

    THe other picture that came into my mind was love. The lines: the wind saunters, it murmurs your name. That's what gave me the love idea.

    It also reminds me of rebirth somehow. Can't really say how, but it just does.

    I'm sorry if I wasn't that much help. And don't worry about jack*****. People don't understand people with talent. You my dear, have talent. He doesn't. End of story. Therfor, A. He is jelous. B. He does not understand. and C. He can kiss my A** as well as yours. : )

    People will always get you down in one way or another. You must learn to ignor it.....or get even. TEEHEE!

  2. "Demons in spastic unison"?

    Verbose idiot

    Has two dictionary shelves

    Asian undead wins

  3. This is visceral and powerful.  From the first line it is about darkness and death yet is is uniquely beautiful. There are far too many potent lines to single any out.  The entire poem is wonderful.  Please read mine.;...

    Thank you.

  4. "Hi!",

    A great piece of poetry. written and expressed well.


    Cheers : )

  5. Nicely written!  It is too bad some people break wind and hard to tell what o*****e it comes out of!  Good job keep them coming!! Cheers!!

    Sorry those mean answers always get me almost forgot to comment on what I thought the interpretation of this poem meant!

    It kind of sounds like someone was dying and the impending feast was what was left after the person had died, for the birds, the wild beast! This was my interpretation of it !Am I close, I hope so,

  6. it's kind of like.. hmm.  i don't know.  when i read poems it puts me somewhere else.. the words kinda carry me to a different reality.. or is it just how our reality is.. i can't really describe it but that one.. very timely.. i like it

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