
What does this qoute mean!?

by Guest64554  |  earlier

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I was in the mall; with my guy friends, and chick friends. And we were just chyllen at the food court, cause it was around lunch time, and then, there was a group of other teenagers, around their like, 17's-19's and two of them came up to me and said 'The sun goes down, and so does she ... she being you' and then they handed me their number.. and winked? wtf does that saying mean, i really want to know.




  1. Were they guys? Cause if that's the case they wanted you to do something with the certain unique part of the male anatomy... if you catch my drift.

  2. Well if you want to know EXACTLY the meaning it's from a song.

    I'm going to guess anyways that's what they were referencing.

    As for the meaning of the quote, going down on someone means well doing the one sided "naughty"

    Here's the lyrics, or the first verse at least. :

    She starts her new diet of liquor and d**k,

    Just like Hollywood, but laced in sick,

    The sun goes down, and so does she,

    The sun goes down, and so does she,

    A little heavy but it's like you know...super grindcore screamo.

  3. Oral s*x.

  4. yeah, they were talking about you going down on a guy... a bl0w j0b... get it?

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