
What does this quotation mean: "The living are afraid to die, but the dead are afraid to live"?

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What does this quotation mean: "The living are afraid to die, but the dead are afraid to live"?




  1. The living are afraid to die.  That's obvious as no one really likes the idea of dying.

    But, "The dead are afraid to live" is a reference to those living people who seem like they are dead already because they do not enjoy life or others.

  2. The very fact Dead means all senses dead, how can they think of living, wont that cell also die ?

  3. It means that people are scared of dying, because they don't know anything about it, and what happens after death. But then once you die, you are scared to live because the life after death is so much better.

  4. the living are afraid to die- 'living people' are those who take risks, but for every risk that they take, they face the idea of failing or losing

    the dead are afraid to live-  the 'dead people' are those who are afraid to even take a risk, whether with their life, relationships or career. They are considered dead because their life will never move forward and they won't fully enjoy waht they have because of their unwillingness to take a chance.

  5. Not much, it's kinda stupid.

    Because the dead can't feel anything.

    But it's like the guy/girl who wrote it thinks it's clever because they reverse the roles of the living and dead.

    Lacks imagination if you ask me.

  6. first of all this is not a quotation but an Idiom. I am sure it really means nothing intelligible. If I may quote now following your question I will say this: " Idioms are not always wise sayings?" Do you understand me now?

  7. you are afraid to die as a human, but after you pass away it is better there and you would never want to return to the living world.

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