
What does this quote by Chuck Palahniuk mean?

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“Don't do what you want. Do what you don't want. Do what you're trained not to want. Do the things that scare you the most.”




  1. This quote means a life of challenge and self denial. It also seems to me to be a quote that has been taken completely out of context. Hopefully, it would be more palatable in its original setting, along with the provisos given.

    The advice is to know your dislikes and to overcome them.

    If you are afraid of something, ignore the warning, and go do it. You'll be OK; you are just daring yourself to ignore your common sense and to tackle good old Chuck's challenges.

    Don't worry about  your years of training on, take a job that you know nothing about. It may satisfy your thirst for the unknown, but it will also lead your employer to find a replacement who is not quite so ignorant

    I shudder at the harm that advice such as this would pose for children at the road side. Too many squealing brakes for my peace of mind.

    I also wonder how a couple, thinking of becoming engaged could follow this advice. You really have to admit that it does not cater for most of major the decisions that we make in our lives.

  2. What you want is usually the easiest path or the socially expected path. Be an individual, live courageously, break down the barriers that you and society have created around you. Facing your fears is the only way to to let them go. Fear drives many people to live lives they are unhappy with. Fear of rejection, being alone, punishment, jealousy, unemployment, financial struggle, humiliation, etc. often gets in the way of our wishes and keeps us from being truly happy, so if we face and conquer these fears it would lead to a new level of happiness.

  3. if you can do things you are afraid of,imagine how easy it is to do the things you are not afraid of.

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