
What does this quote by William Shakespeare mean?

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“I pray you, do not fall in love with me, For I am false than vows made in wine.”





  1. An educated guess:

    He/she hopes that a certain person will not fall in love with him/her because they are 'more false than vows made in wine'...more false than a drunken promise?

  2. He does not want her to fall in love with him because he knows that he will only break her heart because he is as untrustworthy as a drunk man

  3. This quote is saying not to fall in love with him because he believes he is not a true man who is in love

  4. "I pray you" means, Please or I beg you.

    "I am more false than vows made in wine" means you can't trust me.

  5. he is saying he wants a glass of wine

  6. pray you means I ask of you, implore you, beg of you, etc.

    do nto fall in love with me - just that

    For I am false as vows made in wine - people who are full of wine tend to say things with great sincerity but not follow up later - so he's just saying he's a bad person to fall in love wtih because he's no more sincere than some drunk going "i love you man"

    It's a generous thing of him to do, really, to warn this other person off.

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