
What does this quote exactly mean???

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“ There does not exist a category of science to which one can give the name applied science. There are science and the applications of science, bound together as the fruit of the tree which bears it.”

- Louis Pasteur




  1. science is the fruit of knowledge

  2. Most of science is based first on theory. Then the theory must either be proved or disproved and then applied to the corresponding category. Science can exist, such as astonomy, but it requires application in other cases, such as microbiology and the theory that something( microorgansisms) causes disease. Some sciences have to be applied to another which binds them together. At least, that's how I got it from my chemistry instructor.

  3. science is the branch of learning without science we couldn't learn the history of things

  4. Its scientific for "i'm high on crack" (which i bet he is)

    Believe me, im good at explaining quotations but this one makes no sense.

  5. What is basically saying is that science is the principal llike the tree and the other categories of science just make part of it they are the fruits but none of this categories can be name science because science is the main thing.


    Good luck!

  6. Science  refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method (a process that follows a series of steps: 1. identify a problem 2. formulate a hypothesis 3. test the hypothesis 4. collect and analyze the data 5. make conclusions), as well as to the knowledge gained through such research.

    You cannot have one without the other. To have the knowledge you must first go through the process of discovery described as scientific method.

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