
What does this quote mean: "A man is known by the friendships he keeps"?

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What does this quote mean: "A man is known by the friendships he keeps"?




  1. it means that people look at who your friends are to get an idea of who you are....

    For example...if you see a guy with friends who all carry weapons, look like they are about to stab you and laugh at you accross the wouldn't assume that he is a nice guy kinda thing

  2. well i think that people often associate themself with gorups of similar personality and treat, because the want to be able to relate to something or a group of people. so the quote is saying that inorder to truly know someone you how to look at how they value their friendship with others. if that individual value his friendship then it goes to show the level of respect and admoration the have for other people and themselves  

  3. if somebody is always backstabbing his friends you would have a bad impression of him but if there is a guy who everyone loves and knows. then you'll think he's a pretty cool guy.  

  4. It means I need to get some new friends.

  5. It means you can not soar with the "eagles,"

    If you roost with the "turkeys." <}:-})

  6. It means that a person can be judged by their peers

    It's very wise, but easy to mistake for "A man will be just like his peers"

    Social groups fulfill roles, so you CAN tell a man by his peers, but a man isn't LIKE his peers


  7. It means you are who you hang out with

  8. They say "you are what you hang around"!  So may I suggest choosing your friends wisely as your character is judged by their actions, behavior and overall presentation of themselves!  Scary, huh?

  9. It says that you can tell a lot about a person by looking at his friends.

    It may be harsh but in reality we do judge people some times by looking at the company he keeps....

  10. You can usually tell someones true character by the people they surround themselves with.

  11. A man's character is defined by the qualities of his friends.

  12. You get to know a guy by his friends. You can find out if he is the type of guy your looking for.

  13. I think it means that a guy who has a lot of friends? :P Not sure

  14. I think you've gotten enough answers to where you know what it means but this saying has a flipside known as to being "guilty by association".  

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