
What does this quote mean to you???

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Today's Choices Shape My Future" i have to write a essay and i am clue lesss and dont know what to write. can u give me an out line




  1. The choices you make, good or bad, will effect the rest of your life.

  2. choice's you make everyday will make you who you are or what you are doing in the future. choices good or bad you may or may not benefit from, you may make choices and learn from them, but choices you make, make you the person you are today so today's choices will incorporate into the future, however major or minor they may be.

    Hope it helped a little bit

  3. It can be as simple as "I'm choosing to write this essay really well right now, so that I'll get it back with a good grade which will affect my GPA which will help me get into a good college which will likely get ne a good job..." etc.

    No one will give you an outline. That's the reason it's YOUR essay. You have two options. Find a broad enough choice that you can branch off in three directions for your body paragraphs, or write about three different choices that will make a difference. The latter idea is easier, but the paper will be stronger if they're related to each other.

    Good luck!

  4. The future consists of nine multiple choice question categories and an hypothetical answer made in the present, in the form of a question. The future cannot be determined as a certainty unless it is in the form of a hypothetical question,and  today is the only time frame, which can create this hypothesis! "This  Rhetoric cannot be made  from any other time frame"! (Today=now=only)!

    Your  question as stated  is my favorite question in  time.  I have a complete lifestyle based on this question.  I can help you immensely, and never tire of this question.


    Here are the categories as i see them.






    2005=how much

    2006=how many



    2009=Any random  hypothetical question  made in the absolute "now", which  is proposed as the rhetorical answer to the selected category (ies) proposed for the future!

    This formula cannot be made as a thought from any time tense except the present the "NOW", THE "TODAY"

    Note henceforth, how the last digit in every number everywhere, everywhen will always be the same  as the last digit in these categories i have numebred here. I have actually lived this system, and can now number all my memories because  there is a number in them, and the number is always one digit,(0-9)!

    The category names are  the names of the nine questions, and the hypothetical  answer, (RHETORICAL ANSWER), made in the form of a question,  is the epitome of random.

    This combination of  hypothetical random, in the form of a question,  "is random", and thereby is  the epitome of the Pygmalion Effect.  If you select  a category, and hypothesise a rhetorical answer  in the form of a question, then you have  just talked to yourself about yourself, successfully.  Therefore you cannot make a wrong question, nor a wrong answer, because the question was preselected, before the future, and the answer always goes with the question, because  it too has to be made "NOW"!

    The last letter in my last name is 'A", which is therefore my last name, and in my world my only name.  Every time, i hear the  word "a" or the sound 'a" i believe i am being spoken to ,or about.  This is of course only one sound made by one note , bearing only one attitude and this attitude,the note, the sound,and the word are all the same  musicsl note, irregardles of its length.  this creates all together, a system, of (0-9) single digits , 31 notes,  31 musical notations, all as criterion in the present  for the rhetoric  which shapes my future.

    Now if you want to learn to colorcode this as a visual hallucination, you will need to save this link  and then study the site, for structure configuration  and categorical content.

    Hope this lifestyle management course illuminates the possiblities which this true  "AXIOM" HAS IN STORE AS A TOPIC FOR YOUR PAPER. tHIS IS ONE COLLEGE PAPER WHICH WILL , SHOULD , AND  HOPEFULLY DESIRABLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!

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