
What does this quote mean to you - "When memory falls forgotton, remembrance shall remain.?

by Guest63943  |  earlier

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What does this quote mean to you - "When memory falls forgotton, remembrance shall remain.?




  1. It suggests that the ceremony or routine of commemorating something will outlast peoples memory of the event in question.

    e.g. we still celebrate 4th July, Thanksgiving, Saints Days but who can actually remember the events?

  2. ex: harboring bad feelings but not knowing why? etc..

    Having bad experiences is a learning lesson, even when we do not remember the experience

    A person with Amnesia, knows they love the rollercoaster, but they have no idea why they know they love the rollercoaster.

  3. it means that a smile is better than a touch..

    get it?

  4. when the sharpness  and recentness of the impact event has faded, and perhaps the edges of our memories become a little fuzzy about how the actual event was ( or if indeed we even knew the event personally) - we can then look upon that event with a kinder eye and keep the remembrances of that moment well into the future.

    The event may be past, but the impact is still present.

  5. when those whose memory of the event are of being there are all dead

    but the event is still remembered

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