
What does this really come down to?

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Everyone says that one day the world is going to end. Is that scientifically true? Is it really going to end in some disastrous way? I don't want to be here if it does I want to go to heaven and stay there.

And I hate when people tell me about reincarnation, because I don't want to be here again in a new generation becuase if the world does end I will be here.

Any answers? What do you think?




  1. of course the world will end. Eventually the sun will burn out and go nova......but that is tens of millions of years down the line......

    now, quality of life on Earth will go downhill WAY before then, the last 50 years we have gone from 3 billion to 6 billion.....another 2 billion or so and it aint going to be pretty......

  2. only god knows. dont worry about it. people who say they know when it will end dont really know because no one can.

  3. It's not about whether the world will end of its own accord, when the sun blows up 2.5 billion years from now.

    It's about people who think the world is better off without people on it.

  4. The world will probably end either from starvation, or the sun burning out.

    In the starvation way, the world will over populate and from the heat produced it will kill all human life, unlikely but possible.Thomas Malthus wrote very detailed books about overpopulation  The second way is that the sun with turn into a super nova destroying earth.

    For religion, I can't help you there.

  5. Give it another 5,000,000,000 years, give or take a few and the earth will be vaporized when the sun goes nova.    I wouldn't worry about it too much.     Reincarnation is for those who have wasted this life and think if they believe hard enough they will get another chance not to s***w it up next time.

  6. theres still like 2000 more years before the world ends... =]

    yes you wont be will go to heaven and kick back and relax...its gonna be soooo cool cuz you can eat all the cookies you want!!!

    i cant wait =] well you know i dont wanna die yet but =] i cant wait!!!!

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