
What does this really mean?

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I was at Walmart and I was getting some chicken for dinner and this old man told my mother that I make him nervous.I was wondering what this meant, did I maybe intimidate him? I don't mean to but what do you think this means?




  1. You buy CHICKEN at WAL-MART?

    And that is the same place in which I have found p**p smeared on the toilet and on the floor of the bathroom? Don't you know about E.Coli?

    That's disgusting. So thankful I am miles away from the nearest Wal-Mart. Gag me.

  2. It means he has an IQ in single digits.

    Ignore the clown.

  3. Maybe the old guy is losing his marbles... It sounds like something  a mental patient would say.

  4. r u an officer of the law?

    maybe the old geezer had a bit of weed

  5. Some people have mental problems and  they take out those problems in public places. Some older people have dementia, they see things or have feeling that aren't true. It was more than likely something like that.

  6. Did that really happen? If so, I would've asked him why. Too late now, you already missed your chance :(

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