
What does this recurring dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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[me and my neighbor from my old house are running away from a random psycho trying to kill me, and we run and we end up hiding in an old decrepit house in the middle of these dead (fall like) woods and it always turns out ot be the psycho's house and then we sneak out eventually, steal his old beat up truck, and drive, for what feels like forever, and always, we end up falling off a cliff and as we fall i wake up...]

my question is what does it mean? every boyfriend ive had since moving, it goes great, then i have this dream and the next day he breaks up with me. my neighbor, before i moved, was my brothers friend. about a year older then me, and we never really got along. he didnt like me and i didnt like him, but in my dream, were friends, and i dont get it. it sounds like i wanted him, but i didnt, im confused




  1. Your dream seems to be a reactive one to situations where you sense that things do not go well.

    It may repeat out of habit - a convenient marker of this thing to come, a break-up.  The relationship may be sensed as ending and so you are 'chased' from it in unwanted fashion.  The boyfriend and psycho do not necessarily align with each other literally, but you may feel 'chased' away in some uncomfortable way.  You may also sense only something desolate ahead as your subconscious mind mulls over what comes behind a break-up.  The bleak house in the wood suggests this.

    And eventually you recover - as in escaping.  There is life afterall behind such a bleak occurrence.

    The source of the harsh imagery and characters?  Could have come from any of many sources - and your repeat experiences under the repetitive circumstances implies again that it is just a handy projection, like an old movie, meant to alert you or help ventiliate what is to come.  Such break-ups are generally sensed even if not consciously accepted until they occur.

    Consider this in the context you know best - the points are implied by what you have shared.

    All the best to you.

  2. Life is scary and confusing for you.  And when you get the 'cooling off' signals from your boyfriends your brain pulls out this scary video clip and runs it to make sure you are warned.  The ex neighbor is part of the scary confusion.  You may have admired something in him that made you feel safe so you take that feeling with you as a companion into the darkness.  

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