
What does this say about my Son?

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My son is 5. He has like no intrest in sports. When my husband tries to get him to play them, he gets whiny and my husband gives up. He is very into other boy stuff, crazy about dinosaurs, animals, toy weapons, all that kind of stuff. When his cousins play ball or whatever, he says its boring and goes off and plays with something else by himself. He loves to wrestle and roughhouse but can be whiney. I know a boy not liking sports is not the end of the world, but I want the best for him. I have this fear that when he's in first grade, 2 years from now, all the boys will be playing kickball and he'll be off by himself. Normally when he is playing with other kids, he is very well liked, because he is really funny. So, is it possible he'll pick up on the sports thing later? If he doesnt is he doomed to have a rough time in school? I remmeber as a kid in school all the boys doing sports at recess and some whimpyish boys playing with the girls. I know I'm neurotic but I'm a mom




  1. I'm sure he will pick up sports later. I don't think he will be doomed. He may decide next year. 5 is a tough age to think about sports, it feels to much of a commitment to them, like school.

    You can get him into cub scouts when he is 6 years old. They do talk about sports and do allot of fun stuff for the boy's. There is camping on which your husband can go on and you. My son did the cub scout thing for 3 years and he loved it, in between that, he plays football and wanted to play football when he was in 2nd grade. Don't worry, he is still young and as he matures, the interest in sports will be so overwhelming for you. He is going to want to play this and play that and your going to wish that he wasn't interested. What ever you do, don't push him into it. He will feel he has to do it, he wont give it his all if he is pushed into it and that's when kids will give him a hard time about not doing very well in that sport. Maybe he's just afraid that he wont be as good as the other.

  2. If you want the best for him, let him enjoy what he wants.  I know lots of boys that are not into sports..especially at that age.  I would drop the attitude about being "wimpy" and such or you will cause him issues later in life.

  3. I disagree with what other posters are saying.  My two boys are 6 and 8.  As a single mom for several years I did not have the money to put them in sports.  So I remarried and my husband wanted them to give sports a try. Up until this point, they didn't really have an interest in soccer or baseball.  We tried soccer in the fall and they both loved it. We tried baseball in the spring and they both love it.  I have to admit my older son (now 8) wasn't thrilled about it at first.  I told him I wanted him to try something new and give it his all.  If he hated it, he didn't have to play the next season but we would keep trying until we found something he liked.  Well, both kids love both soccer and baseball but my older son is having to work harder than everyone else to catch up with them because he'd never played before.

    My advice is not the most popular here but I think he should have some exposure to some type of sport.  It doesn't have to be the one your husband or his cousins like, but the exposure to teamwork and physical activity is very important to a young boy.  I wish I had started mine in sooner.

  4. you shouldnt try to force him to do something he dosent want to do.....I understand that your a mom but this is something that he has to decide that he wants to do for himself....The more parents force thier child on to something the less likely they are to end up liking it......But yes there is a possibility that your son will pick up on the sports thing

  5. My son is 5 and he doesn't like sports at all. He's also not even close to being a wimp and is ALL boy. He just prefers make-believe play- acting like spiderman or a power ranger, etc. He also likes to wrestle and roughhouse. He enjoys building robots out of legos so they can destroy each other lol and drawing pictures, making up stories. He has a great imagination and is really much more creative than athletic. There's nothing wrong with that- he'll probably be one of the actors, writers or musicians that keep us all entertained someday. Not all boys like sports. Try to focus on your son's strengths and interests, not what he can't or doesn't want to do. He'll make friends that are interested in the same kind of things as him. He's not destined to be a wimp stuck hanging out with the girls at recess lol. Don't worry. =]

  6. There could be a reason why he doesn't want to play sports it may not be because he is not interested, wanting to play by himself sometimes is a sign that he may have been picked on, by another child or children.   children that like to make others laugh is  sometimes a way that a child coops with acceptance of his or her peers I am not saying that all children react this way but I know that when I was a child I wanted so much to be a part of what the other kids were doing and when they did not want me to be a part it made me feel like I was better of doing things on my own, he will grow

    and become more involved with doing things but when he is ready I know you want the best for your child and sometimes the child knows more about himself then you do talk to him and ask him if he has ever had a bad day with other kids sometimes you'd be suprised what the answer may be.

  7. If he's really funny and easy to get along with, then don't be worried. Not every kid is into sports, and if he can make friends, its no big deal. Why should he be amazing at sports just to have friends? Only be worried if he starts wearing make up and spending alot of time on his own...

  8. What it means is he dosen;t like sports all that much--maybe he will change, maybe not. But don't push him.

    I have seen parents force kids who obviously don't like sports into it--and it always backfires and causes problems.

    It is not the end of the world for anyone.

  9. I Hate Sports And So Does My Dad, But We Were Both Mega Popular In School! He'll Probably Start To Like Sports, But If He Doesn't, I Doesn't Matter. He'll Be Fine In School As Long As He's Nice, Funny And Has Atleast 1 Good Friend He Can Count On!

  10. Wanting the best for him doesn't mean he has to like sports.

    let him be the person he wants to be. If he doesn't like sports, oh well, it isn't the end of the world. He's likes and dislikes will change, and maybe he will start liking it later on in the future.

    But right now, he is only 5 years old. If dinorsaurs and animals are his thing, let him do his thing. Don't try to change him. If you do, you may start isolating him and/or making him feel as if he isn't normal.

  11. Just relax, its all a phase and some guys dont like sports, so its okay

  12. Who knows, he might be in a phase.  He might just never be interested in sports.  lol, its funny how we say we dont care about stereotypes, but my daughter is ecstatic about her dolls and I just love watching her play with them (she is 1).  But you and I both know deep down it doesnt really matter.  Kids can be cruel and its ridiculous how something like not playing sports might or might not make him a target.  But as you say he is well like anyway.  Try and teach him to be a confident little boy, say if anyone calls him names or tries to fight with him, try and teach him to tell them to get lost!  lol its harder in real life right!? :)  I dont never know, my bro never read books and my Mum was really worried, but now in adulthood he is never without a novel.  Just took him a few years to find out which genre he was interested in.

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