
What does this say about someone?

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When they always hold intense eye contact, sometimes TOO intense that you find yourself look away? What can you tell me about someone like that?




  1. That depends, if its the opposite gender looking at you that way, it could be he/she is mesmerized by you. If you say something to someone and they look at you that way, the person is trying to intimate you because he/she don't like what you just said. Or if you're talking to someone, and they do that, the person just wants your full attention. It really depends on the person. Be careful though, there are many crazy people out there. If you find someone you completely don't know look at you like that, watch out.  

  2. they r trying to give u signals, i have had many guys stairing at me like this , when i approached them they acted like they have no idea what im talking about,dont take it seriously.

  3. This means that they are REALLY into you! If they look at your lips the whole time your talk, that means their not interested. Enjoy!

  4. maybe confidence.

    cause i guess inconfident people always look down.

    my theory.

  5. There's nothing special about it. If you're confident enough you'll look people in the eyes. In fact, it's impolite not to look people in the eyes! Once a girl said to me: "Why are you looking at me that way?" She was disturbed but I wasn't even looking at her, I was looking past her.

    EDIT: No need to be rude, I did answer your question you just didn't understand what it said. What it might tell you is that a person that looks in someone else's eyes when speaking has enough confidence. It also may tell you that that person deserves your trust, depending on the look, whereas someone who can't look at you either is too shy or isn't trustworthy. Apart from that, it can be learned behavior, as when you learn to shake someone's hands with just the right amount of energy (not too strong, not too loose). I hope that answered your question a little better now.

    EDITAGAIN: Never mind, that's ok. You think I'm generalizing but I speak from experience because I happen to look into people's eyes when I have a conversation. When I do so, I'm not trying to look through them, I'm not trying to be better than anyone, I just happen to be that way. *Generally speaking* (lol) people who lack self-confidence will be embarassed but others will see me as trustworthy, that's a fact. And I am trustworthy too. :)

  6. They are trying to invade your mind!! When I see someone do that to me - I punch them in those eyes!!

  7. I find myself having that same problem. I guess my eye contact is too intense at times. I wonder what people see when they make eye contact with me. Confidence perhaps.

  8. It shows that they are really interested in you, that they are listening very closely or carefully, it means that they can't take their eyes off you or it could mean that they are really intimidating. Or their eyes might be stuck and they need help moving them. Lol. J/k

  9. that they have business with you

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