
What does this say for Palin and the Bible?

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1 Timothy 2:11-12 proclaims, “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.”

I certainly don't believe this... but Palin claims to follow this archaic religion, and even thinks her God sanctions the Occuption of Iraq. If this is what her religions clearly states, how does she follow this religion?




  1. Maybe she follow her religion like others follow theirs. Practice the parts of the religion they like.

  2. That verse was specifically meant to a specific early church that was having problems. You have to look at whom the audience was he was speaking to. It was never meant to apply to women as a whole. Alot of stuff gets twisted by many sadly. It would be the same if I was to tell a friend that had a cheating wife to "keep her locked under key" in a letter and others, reading my letter were of the opinion that I was referring to all women.

  3. Since Paul was wrong, and is dead, oh well.

  4. I think it says a lot about our country. People that believe in fantasies running the country into the ground for corporations. Scary stuff!

  5. 1 Timothy does not apply to government positions.  

  6. Maybe this way. Galatians 3:28 proclaims: "There is neither Greek nor Jew, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

    Therefore the previous passage is one that must have been meant for a particular context, rather than having a universal application.

  7. In this Paul was telling Timothy that women should be quiet in church. The way it was set up in those days, the women were in the back of the crowd. The preacher sat in the middle and the men circled around. If a woman couldn't hear everything being said, she'd call to her husband to repeat it, thus, interfering in the service.

    One must also remember that theirs was a male dominated society, unlike ours of today.

  8. If there is not a man, God will appoint a woman, he did in the old testament times.  Deborah was a judge over all the Israelites.

  9. People twist religion. This is exactly what you are seeing. The Bible is a load of bull, created by those who sought power and fame. God does NOT sanction the killing of thousands of innocent people. Even the OT version of God gave us the 10 commandments (read number 5).

    God couldn't sanction the war, anyway. He released Himself from loneliness before now. The words of Jesus remain, the gospel survives. The rest of the book it is wrapped in should not.


  10. never mind all the biblical quotation rubbish, this woman has the potential for being the second most powerful in the world.  and she is a creationist.   a creationist for christssakes

  11. That verse says a woman can't have spiritual authority over a man or teach man spiritual things. Palin is not seeking to be a spiritual leader.

    1Ti 2:12  But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

  12. She's just saying that so religous people will vote for her. She is actually a muff-diving atheist deep down inside.

  13. That is speaking of corporate worship and about spiritual things

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