
What does this saying mean, exactly?

by  |  earlier

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Beware of every single male relatives and all guy friends. Any of them would kick your butt at the drop of a hat, and a lot of them wouldn't even wait for the d**n hat.




  1. Yes, it means watch out if you're dating a gal with male relatives and male friends because they would probably kick your butt if she said you treated her badly

  2. They would be willing to cheat on you right away, and the "drop of a hat" part is just adding a funny touch. That's why it's a saying.

  3. It is telling guys that every male they know ,  friend and/or relative, is a threat to their relationship. That it can happen at the "drop of a hat"  which means quickly and easily. So watch your friends, watch your family, watch your girl.

  4. What are you people talking about? lol. It says male relatives so it means be careful with any of your girlfriends male relatives or male friends. any of them would beat you up in a second, and sometimes, they won't wait the second

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