
What does this saying mean??? ..................?

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  1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder or (stronger).  

    If you love someone, personally or family, and are away from them long you will notice when you see them again your heart pounds and you feel much better about being back with them again.  

    Very simple.....

  2. It's talking about missing someone.. the less you see them (absence) the more you miss them..

  3. The more time that passes from  when you last saw someone or something, it makes you think of that thing or person in a more and more favorable light.

  4. The more you miss someone, the more your heart is fond of them.  It's basically saying you don't realize what you've got until it's gone.

  5. the obvious is that when you are apart from someone you love, you miss them, and grow fonder of them.

    less obvious is that when you kind of like someone, and you are apart for a while, you kind of forget about their annoying habits, or lack of humor, and you think maybe that person is better than your last time together.  

    this can also be true after romance has started - maybe you think he is a better kisser, or she is more loving than she really was.  while you are apart you think this person is "the one" and when you get back together you can either see the person for who they really are, or gloss over the weak moments in favor of your image of them.  sometimes this is how bad relationships are perpetuated - people looking through rose colored glasses....

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