
What does this simile mean to you?

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'Like a spectator in my own life'




  1. That the person feels as though they are WATCHING their own life pass by, they are not really out LIVING it. Where's it from?

  2. I would interpretate this as looking at my life as an outsider looking in.

  3. As if they are looking through the window but not actually taking part in the action. Its quite sad actually, as if life is just floating by without them :(

  4. Its loaded with Irony. A fictional character suggesting that she feels like she has no control over her own life, watching it unfold just as we are watching it unfold as the reader.

  5. kind of detached from themselves

    like a fly on the wall

  6. things are happening with no way of influencing them. being aware of the situation but powerless.

    quite depressing, really...

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