
What does this strange dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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It's centered around my friends, Alex, his twin Spencer, Adam, Ghost, and me. Keep in mind that Adam had just recently gotten injured on a tour in Iraq. At the time of my dream, he hadn't started getting better yet.

The five of us were wondering around the twins' family's neighborhood. Adam and I were walking together when he stopped without saying anything and walked toward a creepy old building by a lake that in real life is in a different area. I see this as Adam leaving for Iraq.

I gathered the rest of my friends and we went after him. When we entered the building, we were in a storage basement. We went up a flight of stairs and ended up in a grocery store. Every aisle we went down, a pitbull followed in the next aisle. Every time we got to the end of the shelves, the dog would freeze mid-stride, a red circle with a line through it would go over the dog, and text would come up above its head. We found an escalator and when we reached the top, we found Adam fighting with another dog, who retreated into a rack of clothes. We were in a sporting goods store now. Next, we went through a bunch of non-functioning test chambers from the game Portal, until we found 5 platforms that went up super high. Alex got on the far left one, I on the next, and Ghost next to me. Spencer and Adam missed it, which upset me to the point that I tried to jump down to them, but it was too late; we had reached the top. A large, brain dead guy sat behind a desk, while a man stood over his shoulder, telling us to get our friends and return back to him. On the way back, Spencer was next to Ghost and Adam was on the end. The wall sloped in, and almost killed Adam, but he jumped onto another platform. I think this shows that I had faith that Adam would pull through his injury and stay with his friends. I forgot to mention that I cried when he entered the building, which shows how upset I was when he keft for Iraq.

When we got back to the top, the man told us that we would have to answer a couple of questions and answer then correctly. If we couldn't get the answer right, a body part would disappear until we all no longer existed. We all answered perfectly, except for Spencer, who lost the ring finger on his right hand. He really did lose that finger about a year ago.

When I awoke, I had a huge crush on Spencer, which I do not understand.

If you can explain any of this to me I'll be very grateful.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Ignore these guys....

    You worried about them, The dream basically means that you guys overcame over lots of obstacles and lost stuff dear to you guys.  

  2. i couldnt tell ya

  3. That you should smoke more weed.

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