
What does this symbol mean???

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its like a star with a circle around it and all the people i know who listen to metal wear it




  1. It's a pentagram. It's a symbol for Neopagans, mostly Wiccans. A symbol thing for their worship, like how Christians have a cross... Most everyone who wears one has no clue what it means and just wears it because they're ignorant dumb-dumbs who want to look cool. The points of the star represent the four elements and Spirit, and the circle represents binding them all together. If there are two points up and one point down, it's usually a symbol for Satanism.

    It is -not- a pentacle, but can be made into one.

  2. its called a pentacle and people give different meanings to it but mainly it is a sign of protection.a star without the circle is a pentagram

  3. Its is a pentagram -  a five-pointed figure used as a magical or occult symbol by many different groups.  the symbol has many different meanings: In many symbolization, the top point represents either the human head or a non-human Spirit. To invert the figure is considered by some as a sign of relegating Spirit to the bottom of the metaphysical heap. Others take inversion to be Satanic

    Some Christian watchdogs apparently think the pentagram is the devil's hoof print.

    To the Wiccan, the five points of the pentagram represent Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. Wiccans usually put the symbol in a circle, which has traditionally represented the endless or eternity.

    The ancient Chinese believed there were five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), five planets, five seasons, five senses, as well as five basic colors, sounds and tastes.

    Occultists of all sorts wear pentagram talismans to protect them from evil or to help them get occult knowledge and power. They even draw pentagrams on the ground and stand within them to better call upon occult powers. If the point is aimed north, they are not worshippers of Satan. However, if the point is aimed south, they are.

    In short - it is just a symbol and its meaning is in the eye of the beholder.

  4. Don't worry. 99% of the people you see wearing it don't know what it means either. They are just trying to be "cool" or feel the need to bring attention to themselves because most "sheep" do believe that it involves Satan.  

  5. A pentagram? If so, then that's what it's called. A pentagram. It involves Satan.

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